Creatures of Better In Belize
The sighting of a Belize tapir, during daytime hours, is rare. Central America’s largest land mammal, tapirs can weigh in at 500 pounds and they enjoy the Belize rainforest living . Tapirs love taking dips to cool off and munch on the aquatic vegetation of the Macal River that abuts our Belize Eco Village . Tapirs take refuge in water from predators, heat, and parasites – with fish sometimes snacking on the parasites found on their bodies and rare sightings can be enjoyed by those owners that have Belize Waterfront Homes . Their snout – like a truncated elephant’s trunk – affords them an acute sense of smell, great for food foraging and detecting predators in the Belize jungles. Long, flexible, and fleshy their proboscis probes for fruit and foliage, snagging shoots, twigs, branches and buds which are found in abundance in our Belize property for sale . Tapirs’ origins can be traced back 50 million years or so. Ancestor...